Risks and Red Lineages: Love, labor and Black Women’s Creative Collectives
With Khadijah Queen, Natasha Marin, Anastacia Tolbert and Ashaki Jackson.
We are circle of artists and writers who are bound by love for our crafts and each other. We are single, married, with children, without children, same gender loving, heterosexual and all of the spaces in between. We operate within the academy, outside of it and sometimes dance on its iron gates. What always binds us is a commitment to creative production and a support of craft and community that affirms our existence as Black women. In addition to our work as individual artists and writers, we have worked in collaboration and support of other artists outside and within our circle. In this workshop/roundtable we will discuss what it means to be a circle of Black women artists and writers supporting each other in craft and life. We will discuss how it impacts our creative production, and how we align ourselves with feminist thought and action. Further, we will present our work and discuss the intellectual tethers that connect us in love and labor.
At the National Women's Studies Association Conference in San Juan Puerto Rico.